Wednesday 28 April 2010

Mental Health e-learning suite: Level I and Level II

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a two-day programme.  The course has proved highly successful and is particularly valued by front-line workers and managers, such as police, ambulance personnel and security staff.  However, it is designed for anyone who has or is experiencing a mental health condition or who works in and around mental health or who simply wishes to find out more.

MHFA is a lot more than a course in mental health awareness, especially as it deals with interventions for a wide range of conditions.  The programme can be seen as a 'Level II' course, intensive, advanced and in-depth in its detailed analysis of health presentations and relevant interventions. 

For a programme that is more focussed on mental health awareness and social inclusion issues, a Level I course such as 'Planning for Good Mental  Health & Social Inclusion' is recommended.  'Planning for Good Mental Health & Social Inclusion' is a one-day course that is proving very popular and is currently in-demand by primary care team staff and community workers.

'Planning for Good Mental Health & Social Inclusion' is a one-day course which introduces participants to mental health awareness along with some of the key developments in recovery and mainstream social inclusion.

MHFA e-learning suite

Mental Health First Aid -the background
MHFA was developed in Australia at The Centre for Mental Health Research at the Australian National University by Betty Kitchener and Professor Anthony Jorm.  Now being delivered in sixteen countries, MHFA is rapidly establishing itself as the benchmark programme for mental health first aid interventions.  MHFA also provides in-depth understanding of a wide variety of mental health conditions, from sub-clinical to more acute.